Azure AD groups in a CI/CD Pipeline, Stage 1: Import & Validate

Pipelines are awesome for automating Infrastructure as Code. I’m making use of Azure DevOps to execute my Pipeline, but with some tweaks the YAML could run in GitHub Actions, making it relatively easy to use on either platform.

Managing Azure AD groups is a dependency for the Azure AD Conditional Access pipeline, as I’ll be adding groups created with this pipeline, as nested groups for (almost) every Conditional Access policy.

Both Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions have free tiers for public projects, and free execution minutes for private projects.

For managing Azure AD groups in a pipeline, I’m taking a three stage approach consisting of:

This post covers the YAML and PowerShell involved in the first stage of importing and validating the input. The PowerShell can also be called directly.

Current Import & Validate Status
Build Status

Invoke Validate Azure AD group

This function is Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup, which you can access from my GitHub.

This imports JSON definitions of groups, or imports group objects via a parameter, and validates these against a set of criteria.

Outputting a JSON validate file (as appropriate) as a pipeline artifact for the next stage in the pipeline.

Pipeline YAML example below:

Triggered on a change to the Azure AD groups within the GraphAPIConfig template repo in GitHub

Azure Pipelines automatically clones this repo

Expand code block
- stage: Validate
    vmImage: 'windows-latest'
  - job: Import
      vmImage: 'windows-latest'
    continueOnError: false
    - task: CmdLine@2
      name: CloneGraphAPI
      displayName: Clone Graph API repo
        script: 'git clone --branch $(Branch) --single-branch'
        workingDirectory: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)'
    - task: PowerShell@2
      name: InvokeWTValidateAzureADGroup
      displayName: Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup
        targetType: 'inline'
        script: |

          # Dot source function
          . $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\GraphAPI\Public\AzureAD\Groups\Pipeline\Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup.ps1
          # Test if directory exist and execute function as appropriate
          $TestPath = Test-Path $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\AzureAD\Groups -PathType Container
          if ($TestPath){
            $ValidateAzureADGroups = Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup `
              -Path $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\AzureAD\Groups

          # Create directory for artifact, if it does not exist
          $TestPath = Test-Path $(Pipeline.Workspace)\Output -PathType Container
          if (!$TestPath){
            New-Item -Path $(Pipeline.Workspace)\Output -ItemType Directory | Out-Null

          # If there are Groups (as if there are no groups to import, existing groups are not removed)
          if ($ValidateAzureADGroups){
            # Set ShouldRun variable to true, for plan stage
            echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ShouldRun;isOutput=true]true"
            # Convert to JSON and export
            $ValidateAzureADGroups | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -Force -FilePath $(Pipeline.Workspace)\Output\Validate.json
        pwsh: true
        workingDirectory: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)'
    - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
        targetPath: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\Output'
        artifact: 'Import'
        publishLocation: 'pipeline'

PowerShell example below:

Expand code block
# Clone repo that contains the Graph API functions and config definitions
git clone --branch main --single-branch
git clone --branch main --single-branch

# Dot source function into memory
. .\GraphAPI\Public\AzureAD\Groups\Pipeline\Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup.ps1

# Define Variables
$Path = ".\GraphAPIConfig\AzureAD\Groups"
$FilePath = ".\GraphAPIConfig\AzureAD\Groups\SVC-CA\SVC-CA; Exclude from all Conditional Access Policies.json"

# Example valid group (mailNickName if missing, is auto-generated upon creation)
$AzureADGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{
    displayName     = "SVC-CA; Exclude from all Conditional Access Policies"
    mailEnabled     = $false
    securityEnabled = $true
# Example invalid group (mailNickName if missing, is auto-generated upon creation)
# Missing property (displayName), as well as null property value (securityEnabled)
$AzureADGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{
    mailEnabled     = $false
    securityEnabled = $null

# Import and validate all JSON files from the path specified
Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup -Path $Path

# Or import and validate a specific JSON file from the filepath specified
Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup -FilePath $FilePath

# Or pipe specific object definitions to the validate function
$AzureADGroup | Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup

What does this do?

  • This sets specific variables, including the required properties that must be present in the input
  • To import, a file path to specific files or a directory path from which all files will be imported is required
    • Alternatively, a group or collection of groups can also be passed in a parameter to validate
  • This then checks for the properties each group has
    • Each required property that is missing is added to a variable
  • A check is then performed as to whether the properties contain a value
    • This is again added to a variable if null
  • A validate object is then built for each group with failed checks
  • Information is then returned about whether the group passed validation, and if not, why each group failed
  • If successful, the validated group objects are returned

The complete function as at this date, is below:

Expand code block (always grab the latest version from GitHub)
function Invoke-WTValidateAzureADGroup {
    param (
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The file path to the JSON file(s) that will be imported"
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The directory path(s) of which all JSON file(s) will be imported"
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName = $true,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Azure AD Groups to be validated if not imported from a JSON file"
        [Alias('AzureADGroup', 'GroupDefinition')]
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Specify whether files should be imported only, and not validated"
    Begin {
        try {
            # Variables
            $RequiredProperties = @("displayName", "mailEnabled", "securityEnabled")

        catch {
            Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
            throw $_.exception
    Process {
        try {

            # For each directory, get the file path of all JSON files within the directory, if the directory exists
            if ($Path) {
                $PathExists = Test-Path -Path $Path
                if ($PathExists) {
                    $FilePath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter "*.json" -Recurse).FullName
                else {
                    $ErrorMessage = "The provided path does not exist $Path, please check the path is correct"
                    throw $ErrorMessage

            # Import groups from JSON file, if the files exist
            if ($FilePath) {
                $AzureADGroupImport = foreach ($File in $FilePath) {
                    $FilePathExists = Test-Path -Path $File
                    if ($FilePathExists) {
                        Get-Content -Raw -Path $File
                    else {
                        $ErrorMessage = "The provided filepath $File does not exist, please check the path is correct"
                        throw $ErrorMessage
                # If import was successful, convert from JSON
                if ($AzureADGroupImport) {
                    $AzureADGroups = $AzureADGroupImport | ConvertFrom-Json
                else {
                    $ErrorMessage = "No JSON files could be imported, please check the filepath is correct"
                    throw $ErrorMessage

            # If a file has been imported, or objects provided in the parameter
            if ($AzureADGroups) {
                # Output current action
                Write-Host "Importing Azure AD Groups"
                Write-Host "Groups: $($AzureADGroups.count)"
                foreach ($Group in $AzureADGroups) {
                    if ($Group.displayName) {
                        Write-Host "Import: Group Name: $($Group.displayName)"
                    elseif ($ {
                        Write-Host "Import: Group Id: $($"
                    else {
                        Write-Host "Import: Group Invalid"

                # If import only is set, return groups without validating
                if ($ImportOnly) {
                else {
                    # Output current action
                    Write-Host "Validating Azure AD Groups"
                    # For each group, run validation checks
                    $InvalidGroups = foreach ($Group in $AzureADGroups) {
                        $GroupValidate = $null
                        # Check for missing properties
                        $GroupProperties = $null
                        $GroupProperties = ($Group | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).name
                        $PropertyCheck = $null

                        # Check whether each required property, exists in the list of properties for the object
                        $PropertyCheck = foreach ($Property in $RequiredProperties) {
                            if ($Property -notin $GroupProperties) {

                        # Check whether each required property has a value, if not, return property
                        $PropertyValueCheck = $null
                        $PropertyValueCheck = foreach ($Property in $RequiredProperties) {
                            if ($null -eq $Group.$Property) {

                        # Build and return object
                        if ($PropertyCheck -or $PropertyValueCheck) {
                            $GroupValidate = [ordered]@{}
                            if ($Group.displayName) {
                                $GroupValidate.Add("DisplayName", $Group.displayName)
                            elseif ($ {
                                $GroupValidate.Add("Id", $
                        if ($PropertyCheck) {
                            $GroupValidate.Add("MissingProperties", $PropertyCheck)
                        if ($PropertyValueCheck) {
                            $GroupValidate.Add("MissingPropertyValues", $PropertyValueCheck)
                        if ($GroupValidate) {

                    # Return validation result for each group
                    if ($InvalidGroups) {
                        Write-Host "Invalid Groups: $($InvalidGroups.count) out of $($AzureADGroups.count) imported"
                        foreach ($Group in $InvalidGroups) {
                            if ($Group.displayName) {
                                Write-Host "INVALID: Group Name: $($Group.displayName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                            elseif ($ {
                                Write-Host "INVALID: Group Id: $($" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                            else {
                                Write-Host "INVALID: No displayName or Id for group" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                            if ($Group.MissingProperties) {
                                Write-Warning "Required properties not present ($($Group.MissingProperties.count)): $($Group.MissingProperties)"
                            if ($Group.MissingPropertyValues) {
                                Write-Warning "Required property values not present ($($Group.MissingPropertyValues.count)): $($Group.MissingPropertyValues)"
                        # Abort import
                        $ErrorMessage = "Validation of groups was not successful, review configuration files and any warnings generated"
                        throw $ErrorMessage
                    else {

                        # Return validated groups
                        Write-Host "All groups have passed validation for required properties and values"
                        $ValidGroups = $AzureADGroups
            else {
                $ErrorMessage = "No Azure AD groups to be imported, import may have failed or none may exist"
                throw $ErrorMessage
        catch {
            Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
            throw $_.exception
    End {
        try {
        catch {
            Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
            throw $_.exception